Jekyll and Hyde

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Jekyll and Hyde
Jekyll and Hyde Poster
Venue Chandler
Rehearsal Period
Tech Week
Performance Dates

Creative Team

Director Benedicte Seierup & Lucien Lindsay-MacDougall

Designer Emma Green

Lighting Designer Laura Mason

Sound Designer Sean Quinn

BP Screen Design Lorn Macdonald, Emma Green

Composer Lewis Anderson

Voice Support Bill Wright

Devised by The Company

Production Team

Production Manager Lynfryn MacKenzie

Stage Manager Riona Gilliland

Deputy Stage Manager Kiri Newbery

Assistant Stage Managers Babette Wickham-Riddick, Valentino Fabbreschi

Technical Stage Manager Ryan Greenfield

Stage Technicians Miranda Stewart

Chief Production Electrician Neil Smith

Assistant Electricians Matthew Turnbull, Rachel Wells

Lighting Programmer and Operator Gary Ashbridge

Sound Operator Jamie Ford



Lighting in Traverse made lighting the actors, while not lighting the audience or shinning light into their eyes, a bit of a challenge. To remedy these issues I chose to keep the central lanterns at a very steep angle to the stage, and use some lanterns from the walls as fill light for when the performers strayed from the centre. It meant the lighting didn't look as realistic as it could have, but for this piece that was actually the desired look.

The general colour pallet consisted of a sepia wash (using Straw and Chocolate) and a cold white, which I chose to create a distinct contrast between time and place throughout the play. Due to the extra angles that need to be covered in Traverse and the limited supply of lanterns to do so, all other colour had to come from the TW1's or the booms.

The booms were used as a way to incorporate some different angles and throw shadows across the space. I also had lighting under the control position on booms to throw the shadows of the performers on a screen that was hung there, and to light the musicians. Two floods were used behind the BP screen for shadow play. One was lower than the other so as to create different dimensions to the shadows depending on the desired effect, i.e. realistic shadows or long distorted shadows.

Lighting Plan & Paperwork


Video played a huge part in this performance and so required a fairly intricate system to make it work. The system was build around the GrandMA console and included the Resolume Arena 4 Media Server. The system diagram is shown below:

In a system as small as this, it was okay to run MANet and ArtNet through the same switch. However on a large system, this could cause issues and should be avoided if possible.

Stage Management

Prop Making

Onstage Diagrams

As there where no wings the Stage Management team had to find a way of placing props and furniture in the same places onstage for each performance without the traditional props table. I created these diagrams to assist with this.

The Hospital Bed

This bed was a crucial part of the show. Most of the action took place around it. It was sourced from the Tron Props Store.

The Mirror Frame

The Directors specified a size they would like the frame to be. We sourced one from IKEA the right size and colour. Link to Frame:


This Show was not very difficult in terms of supporting the performance

Ground Plan

The Ground Plan for Jekyll and Hyde was draw by Ryan Greenfield but was designed by Emma Green. The use of the ground plan for this show was to show the used space in the venue and to show the location of the set and seating.

Equipment List