Scenic Art

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Scenic Art
School Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
Course Production Arts and Design
Specialism Scenic Art
Duration 3 Years
Location Wallace Studios
Students and Graduates
2027 Anna Lennon, Aine Hunter
2026 Kate Rafferty, Matt Whittle, Eve Carey, Tiffany Campbell
2025 Holly Aitchison, Eilidh Hammond, Rebecca Gage, Tricia Brown
2024 Alastair Murray, Edgar (Ned) Mundy, Charlie Brooksbank, Jacob Martin
2023 Hope Drummond, Emma Palmer, Ruth Murdoch, Genny Metcalfe


PAD students working on She Loves Me cloth 2024

A scenic artist is responsible for creating the painted elements of stage sets (such as operas, ballets, plays, musical theatre, etc.), film sets, and themed environments, transforming a space into visually compelling, immersive backdrops. Their tasks include painting backdrops, walls, and other set pieces, often using techniques to simulate textures like brick, wood, or stone, and sometimes creating special effects such as aging surfaces, adding depth, or making objects look like different materials. Scenic artists collaborate closely with scenic designers, production managers, and directors to ensure their work aligns with the overall visual vision of the production. In addition to painting, they may also be involved in sculpting, mold-making, and prop-making to craft three-dimensional elements like faux rocks, statues, or other objects. They also maintain the sets throughout the production, repairing any damage that occurs during rehearsals or performances. Working with a variety of materials—such as latex, foam, plaster, and fabrics—and tools like brushes, sponges, and airbrushes, scenic artists must have a deep understanding of different techniques and materials.

Wallace Studios

The paint shop at the Wallace Studios (located at 210 Garscube Rd. Glasgow G4 9RR) is a large purpose built painting studio which has a static paint frame [12m x 8m drop], accessed by a state-of-the-art fully automated bridge. This is used for painting backdrops and gauzes. Additionally, there is 12 x 7m of uninterrupted floor space, with a head height of 5.5m.

It is used for painting all of the sets and backdrops for the Conservatoire’s many in-house productions including Drama, Musicals and Operas. It is also utilised extensively in the training of all Scenic Art /Production Arts students in drawing, painting, texturing, faux finishing and all other aspects of both traditional and contemporary scenic art techniques.

Two industrial sinks, with sump, allow for the safe use and cleaning of equipment when using water-based paints. Spray painting is facilitated by a silent compressor.

Day to Day

On most days that you are in the scenic department, you will be working on production work under the third year head scenic artist.

Management Process

Production Process at RCS.


There are a number of projects that the students may work on when they are not on production work.

Past Productions

Academic Year Shows Student Leads School/Location Notes
2025 - 11 TBD TBD TBD
2024/2025 TBD Eilidh Hammond Acting, Chandler Theatre
Spring Awakening 2025 Rebecca Gage Musical Theatre, New Athenaeum
The Magic Flute 2025 Holly Aitchison Opera, New Athenaeum
She Loves Me Tricia Brown Musical Theatre, New Athenaeum
2023/2025 Sweet Charity Alastair Murray Musical Theatre, New Athenaeum
Ballet Showcase 2024 H.Aitchison; T.Brown; R.Gage; E.Hammond
Earthquakes In London 2024 Ned Mundy Acting, Chandler Theatre

Health and Safety

The following are links to useful health and safety information

Resources for Scenic Artists: A-Z

Anamorphic Art

Architectural Watercolours

Art History

"Behind the Scenics" - videos




Colour Theory and Paint Mixing

Cheat Sheets


Crackle Glazing

Curtains ( Tabs)

Digitally Printed Backdrops



Faux Finishers

Film Crew Positions Explained

Fire Screens



Frosted Glass Effect


Ghost Signs


Glitter (Eco Friendly)

Guild of Scenic Artists

Historic Cloths

Historic Reference Library

ICE Effect

Instructional Videos - Hanging a Cloth, Making a Pounce, Gridding Up



Lino Cutting


Matte Painting

MDF - sealing

Mural Joe

Museums and Galleries



Painting tricks

Paints and Materials

Pastiche (Homage) / Parody



Photography for Portfolios

Photoshop Tutorials

Portrait Painting



Professional Scenic Artists

Printing Large Scale

RCS Scenic Art Handbook

RCS Scenic Art Production Handbook

Reference Books

Royal Shakespeare Company

Scale, Ratio and Gridding Up

Scenic Art Film Techniques

Scenic Tools

Scenic Artwork from RCS Productions / Personal projects FaceBook Page

Scenic Resources: Links

Scenic Textures ...more coming

Scottish Opera



Social Media Accounts Worth Following

Spray Guns


Stretching a Canvas

Top 10 Skills Scenic Artist - Skills and Qualities


Translucent Backdrops

Trompe L'Oeil

UV Paint


Virtual Tour of RCS


Watercolour Painting
