Circle of Fifths

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Director: Matthew Lenton.

Stage Manager: Chris Brown.

Deputy Stage Manager: Ryan Davy.

Designer: Basia Bińkowska.

Lighting Designer: Benny Goodman.

PLX: Gary Ashbridge.

ASM/s: Stephen Keenan and Rebecca Bell.

LX Crew: Yesha Subotincic West.

LX Operator: Laurie Sutton.

Costume: Amy Shearer.

Sound Designer: Kevin Foley

Sound 2: Andrew Jackson

Production Manager: Stephen Roe.

Producton Supervisor: Dave Evans.



Though the venue is really hot, this show has snow. To do this we had three snow machines, smoke machine, large fan and a Par Can in the upstage void for the start of the show. All on at full power and let the blizzard ensue.

All stock and consoles used were the theatres venue stock except for the snow machines and fan which are RCS venue stock. The hazer was a Look Solutions Unique 2.1 and the smoke machine was a Look Solutions Viper both of which were hired from Blacklight. An ETC console was hired from Whitelight for the Cockpit Theatre in London and hazer/smoke/snow fluids were ordered from AC-ET.