Innerspace 2022
Innerspace 2022 | |
![]() | |
Creative Team | |
Production Manager | |
Sound Designer | |
Lighting Designer | |
Production Team | |
Head of Stage | |
Head of Flies | |
Stage Manager | |
Deputy Stage Manager | |
Assistant Stage Manager | |
FOH Manager | |
PLX | |
Production Sound Engineer | |
Sound No.1 | |
Sound No.2 Ana Carolina Sabino |
About: Music Through The Ages
This production was finalized in the beginning of the term. We had decided our roles and what the production was going to be and settled on “Music Through The Ages”. The show consisted of 6 musical acts. We had reached out to the first years musical theatre students to join us. Our musical acts were made up of Sheridan Townsley who sang Oh! Pretty Woman by Roy Orbinson, Matty Juniosa who sang I will Survive by Gloria Gaynor, Ava Duncan who sang Thriller by Michael Jackson, Shoshona Ezequiel who sang Man! I feel like a Woman! by Shania Twain, Carley Duncan who sang The Edge Of Glory by Lady Gaga and the entire cast sung The Greatest Show from The Greatest Showman.
Technical Stage Department
Innerspace involved mulptiple flys including, a disco ball, microphone, masking, gauze = introducing each act, and lighting ladder bars.
TSD team members Nathan George and Daniel Barclay were responcible for flys during fit up, perfromance and strike.
The show consisted of 13 cues, a fairly simple arrangement. The majority being the flying in out of the gauze aswell as a dsico ball and a stylised microphone on its own line for the first act.
here is a flyplot detailing the weight, amount and lengh of the flying system in the new atheneum theartre.
Files to add flyplot groundplan - talk about reasoning behind design and any risk assessments
Stage Management
The Stage Management Department consisted of 4 team members. Paola Soliz was the Stage Manager (SM). Pim Unhasuta was the Deputy Stage Manager (DSM). Lara Cassidy was the Assistant Stage Manager (ASM). Saul Johnstone was the Front of House Manager (FOHM). This team was responsible for the health and safety of the cast and crew.
Prompt Book
LX Plan
LX Bible
Our sound set up was as follows: For FOH and monitor mixing we used a Allen and Heath SQ5 console which was connected to D&B E3's which were used for the main PA. D&B E0's were used for stage monitors.
Media:David and Cara Innerspace 22
FOH was located behind and stage left of the audience.
Position for sound no. 2 and RF was behind the stage in an area known as The Void.