Side Show

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Actor Muso(2018) - Side Show

  • Performance Dates - 16th-17th,20th-23rd May 2018
  • Venue - WEST on the Green

The Actor Muso Shows is carried out by the BAMT3 Course, who go between acting in the piece and playing the music during the performance. The Musical chosen for the 2018 show was 'Side Show'. 'Side Show' is set in the 1930s loosely based around the story of conjoined twin performers Daisy & Violet Hilton.

Production Team

  • Director - Emily Reutlinger
  • Musical Director - David Higham
  • Production Manager - Grant Anderson
  • Stage Manager - Samantha Burt
  • Sound 1 - Andrew Jackson
  • Sound 2 - Jack McWeeny
  • Lighting Designer/Operator - Benny Goodman


The main focus on the Sound for 'Side Show' was vocal reinforcement for the main cast as the entire band were either playing acoustically or through their own amps. Due to the main cast being the only permfoming aspect amplified, the PA solely consisted of two d&b E6 loudspeakers, which being quite compact and having a 100º horizontal dispersion to provide full coverage to the audience space, they were suited perfectly for show. The Console used for this set of shows was a Midas M32R.