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The RSAMD's pyro equipment is located on the Chandler Catwalks in a steel cupboard. Pyro pods ect. should not be stored here, but instead kept in the venues office. Please do not cut cables, instead use pre made ones or use adaptor cables.


1x Le Maitre Pyroflash 6/24 system

1x Le Maitre Pyroflash 2 Way system

Both our systems only output on Bulgin, but the 2 way can be battery powered. Keys are kept in the venues office.


2x Pyroflash Angle Pods

These will only take confetti catridges

3x Pyroflash Double Pods

These do the clever 4 cue firing thing if you use 3 core cable.

2x Pyroflash Singe Pods

Our ones only have Bulgin ins, they don't have terminals on them.


1x Vast quantities of 2 core bell wire
More to be added as stock is made