James Geer

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James read music at Magdalen College, Oxford University, where he was an Academical Clerk. He then studied at Trinity College of Music. James has performed with the D’Oyly Carte Opera Company, Carl Rosa Opera, Grange Park Opera, the Buxton Opera Festival and at the Salzburg Easter Festival. Operatic roles include Don Ottavio (Don Giovanni), Gonzalves (L’Heure Espagnole), Le Berger (Oedipus Rex) and Duncan in Diana Burrell’s The Albatross. Oratorios performed include Elijah, The Messiah, Samson and Israel in Egypt, Nelson Mass and The Creation, Bach’s B Minor Mass, St John Passion, A Child of our Time, Mozart’s Requiem and Monteverdi’s Vespers. James regularly appears at the Edinburgh International Festival; Dido and Aeneas (The Sailor) with the SCO and the role of L’Aumonier in extracts from Les Dialogues des Carmelites with the RSNO. He has appeared on numerous CD’s, both as a chorus member and soloist, recently appearing in Opera Rara’s recording of Amboise Thomas’ Celimene. He has performed with many conductors including David Parry, Sir Simon Rattle, Richard Hickox, Christian Curnyn, Robert King and Harry Christophers. Future bookings include Acis in Handel’s Acis and Galatea for Edinburgh Studio Opera, Frederick in The Pirates of Penzance at Haddo House and Le Chevalier in Poulenc’s Les Dialogues des Carmelites at the RSAMD.