Flame Retardant Fabrics

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Fabrics for stage and scenery use ofter come with Acronyms to inform you of their flame retardant properties

Here is a list of what that means

Inherently Flame-retarded (IFR)

These fabrics have been milled from modified synthetic staple fibres and yarns and do not need additional treatment to achieve the indices required. Fabrics that are classed as inherently flame-retardant are permanently flame retarded and retardance is unaffected by wetting. Most IFR fabrics are dimensionally stable and may be carefully laundered (depending upon curtain construction).

Durably Flame-retarded (DFR)

These fabrics are chemically treated, normally at the time the fabric is being finished. Flame retardancy is permanent and fabrics may be wetted without effecting retardancy, however dry cleaning is generally recommended for such fabrics to minimise the risk of shrinkage.

Non Durably Flame-retarded (NDFR)

These fabrics are chemically treated with a water soluble solution. All fabrics classed as NDFR will withstand at least 5 water free dry cleaning cycles without effecting retardancy. If fabrics are wetted in any way, it is essential to retreat the fabric to meet flammability requirements. Retreatment may also be required after multiple cleanings or after a period of use in a high humidity environment.

Not Flame-retardant (Not FR)

These fabrics are not flame-retarded.

Most untreated natural, synthetic and blended fabrics can be flame retarded. Many natural and some synthetic fabrics, once treated, will meet HSE requirements for retardancy. Generally, the chemicals used are water soluble.