Cymbeline 2019

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Cymbeline 2019
6th February - 9th February 2019
Performance Course
Second Year BA Acting
Chandler Studio Theatre
Creative Team
Peter Collins
Assistant Director
Edward Soper
Fight Director
Raymond Short
Laura McCartney
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer
Production Team
Stage Manager
Deputy Stage Manager
Assistant Stage Manager Rehearsals
Assistant Stage Manager Rehearsals
Assistant Stage Manager Rehearsals
Assistant Stage Manager
Assistant Stage Manager
Stage Supervisor
Stage Supervisor
Production Electrician
Deputy Production Electrician
LX Programmer
Stage LX
Sound No.2/Operator



Cymbeline - Alana Jackson

The Duke/ British Soldier - John Whittle

Imogen - Shyvonne Ahmmad

Posthumus - Sam Stopford

Cloten / British Soldier - Adam Parkinson

Cornelious / Roman Captain - Calvin Noble

Helen / Caius Lucius - Natalie Mitson

British Lord/ Roman Gentleman/ Guiderius - Ian Sawan

British Lady/ Arviragus - Lesley Lemon

Pisanio - Yingxue Zhang

Ianchimo - Tommy Zachar

Court Musician/ Belarius - McCallister Selva

Stage Management

Spreadsheet of props used in the show:

Main risk assessment points were for:

- Pallets (Standing on, and moving)

- Sand

- Flame

- Weapons

Technical Stage Management

File:Ground plan.pdf

Silk Drops

We had 5 silk reveals during this production and these unrolled down from the catwalks and then were ripped down by a member of cast. To do the unroll we used a pin and half a pin hinge so that when the pin was removed the silk would fall. Pieces of sash were used to wrap around the silk to hold them up with a bowline tied in the end so that it could link into the hinge. To make it easy for cast to rip down the tops of these were velcroed on the scaffholding bars at the top with three small pieces of velcro.


As an electrics team we had a fairly bumpy ride during the fit up & tech period, having to solve many issues along the way. Notable technical challenges we encountered were having to light underneath the wooden pallet formation onstage, lighting inside the "trunk" set piece, and finally assembling a makeshift extension for the smoke machine to run underneath the aforementioned pallet formation.

To light underneath the pallets we were going to have to run extensions from the floor dimmers, along the back wall and then eventually, run the csble through sand, underneath the pallets where the birdies would be situated. We borrowed some Soca from the Athenaeum to run to the pallets, there the fan outs would each be grelcoed, then extended to the birdies as required. This worked with minimal interference from the sand on the floor, and to our surprise they didn't require much maintenance post get out.

As part of the show, we needed to light up a trunk from the inside to create a glow. In order to do this we secured some LED tape around the rim of the opening of the trunk using fasteners and cable ties. This tape was then wired into a 12V battery and dimmer allowing the actor to turn the tape on at the correct time. Due to the tape being wired directly into a switch rather than having DMX control, we were only able to set the intensity of the light and the colour would be left as a cool white.

The largest challenge however was building the smoke machine extension- this ended up being cut as our final product u fortunately couldn't deliver the desired effect. Our task was to build a box around the smoke machine, then creating a suitable funnel system to attach to the end of the smoke machine. Attaching a 12v 40x40mm fan onto the end of a scaff pole coming out of the box structure, which was then attached to hosepipe, which had 4mm holes drilled interspersed down the length. The total length of piping from the back wall had to run 11.6 metres in total, round two corners. It was an ambitious attempt, but after failing to deliver the effect required, the smoke machine moved position and the extension tubing was cut.


1. This is the final Speaker Plan that was used for Cymbeline

2. Here is a link to a 'Gasp' sound effect that was recorded for the use of Cymbeline