Cellar trap

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This page was created after the Sleeping Beauty Panto 09, so that it may be used as a resource for future TSM/Production carpenters to use as a template, should the need arise for a cellar trap to be installed on any future productions.

Please feel free to edit this page should you see fit, and improve on the design of the cellar at your leisure. After all, it is a learning establishment! If you do so, please edit this page accordingly, so help those after you.

Parts needed:

Scaff hardware:

- 2 x scaff clamps

- 2 x screw jacks

- 4 x T-shaped Kee Klamps

- 2 x swivel socket Kee Klamps

- 2 x swivel plate Kee Klamps

Scaff (all sizes in mm):

- 1 @ 1105

- 1 @ 1580

- 2 @ 1280

- 2 @ 2030

- 1 @ 740

Misc hardware:

- 1 x set of cellar treads (usually stored in scene dock)

- timber and required nuts and bolts for a handrail or two

- 8 x coach screws w/ washers

- padding for underside of stage pallets

- D-handle for underside of trap door