Catharine Rogers

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Catharine is currently studying on the Opera course at the RSAMD with Patricia Hay with the assistance of an RSAMD scholarship. Previous roles include Second Witch Dido and Aeneas (2007 EIF), ensemble and (cover) Music/Hope Oorfeo and (cover) Soprano 3, King Arthur (ENO), Fido, Paul Bunyan at Dartington International Summer School, Fiordiligi (Curtain Call Opera), Beatrice Oour Man in Havana and Speranza, Oorfeo (TCM). As a soloist, Catharine has also performed in Peer Gynt with the RSNO/Stephane Deneve, Verdi’s Requiem for Edinburgh University Music Society, and A Child of Oour Time with Garry Walker. She has participated in masterclasses with Dame Felicity Lott and Jane Eaglen. Future roles include Blanche, Les Dialogues des Carmélites (RSAMD) and Sylviane The Merry Widow (Scottish Opera on tour).