Ashleigh Blair

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I love to paint.

I love to sew.

I love to make.

I love to get messy.

I love theatre.

I love film.

I love being busy.


Cinderella Panto 07 The first prop i made in the academy

The Three Lives of Lucie Cabrol Islands made out of poly, it was a really big set but fun to work on.

Cosi Fan Tutte 08 The first ever hat i made!

The Ruling Class We had to work on this door to ake it look like it had been paint had been peeling off.

A Woman of No Importance This was the first time in the acadeny i'd been given a bigger task one one of the shows. Myslef and Iain Waugh worked on these together and im really pleased with how they turned out.

Mother Goose Panto 08

I started off the panto season in scenic painting all the cloths and then moved onto to costume nearer the show and helped out with the quick changes.

The Blackbird- DFTV Film I worked with the DFTV students on one of their projects. it was good fun onset but really really cold!

Film Trailer "Meat"

An independant film trainler i help out for with the art department.

Life Drawing

We do life drawing classes using various different techniques, these are two of my favourites; using dark paper and light chalk to focus more on hightlights, and ink and a stick.

Make-up Class

This was a day long workshop that covered basic make up techniques, as well as how to make your friends look old.


I was a member of Paper April for A sense of belonging

My corset

Some Paintings I've Done

Examples of work

For more photographs, check out My Flickr Page or My PhotoBlog