A Midsummer Nights Dream 2011

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A Midsummer Nights Dream 2011
A Midsummer Night's Dream Poster
Director Peter Collins
Assistant Director Emily Reutlinger
Lighting Designer Alexander Ridgers
Venue Chandler
Tech Week 16th May '11
Performance Dates 24th - 28th May '11


Titania / Hippolyta - Amiera Darwish

Titania / Hippolyta - Saria Steyl

Oberon / Theseus - Alasdair Hankinson

Puck - Jimin Suh

Hermia / Mechanical - Ruby Richardson

Helena / Mechanical - Cliodhna McCorley

Lysander / Mechanical - Anthony Fagan

Demetrius / Mechanical - Sam Keefe

Bottom / Egeus - Brian(Christopher)Fisher


Production Manager - Sandy McRobbie

Stage Manager - Sarah Wilson

Deputy Stage Manager - Ross Oliver

Assistant Stage Manager - Audrey Wilson

Set and Lighting Designer - Alexander Ridgers

Sound Designer - Jonathan Towers

Production Electrician - Jonathan Towers

Technical Stage Manager - Fiona Nisbet

Lighting Operator - Jade Beatson

Sound Operator - John Beggan

Technical Crew - Alice McKay, Amber McClelland and Melissa MacDonald


For Midsummer Night's Dream there were no set pieces, but the crew were needed for the lightbulbs and dust, and the catwalks were masked.

Technical Challenges

The only technical challenge we had was making the 5 lightbulbs from the catwalk be able to move up and down. We managed this by cable-tying one pulley to the point where the lightbulb was going to be, and another pulley onto the catwalk to stop the cable rubbing on the bars.



One of the larger challenges was completing a rerig of the space between Much Ado and Midsummer. Although the initial brief was just refocusing and recolouring, it turned out that repatching and repositioning would have to take place in order to fit the new drawing. In retrospect, the amount of changes that took place should have warranted a complete new rig rather than trying to adapt the previous one.


The rig involved 40 practical lightbulbs, most individually controllable, to fit within the constraints of the Chandler's existing infrastructure. Ideally, we would like to have used temp racks and soca to achieve this, but a revised budget meant we could not do this. Instead vast runs of TRS had to be taken from the FOH bar to catwalk 3 in order to fit within the existing rig and to make best use of the dimmers available in the space.
It was also difficult to find the time to make practicals, as we lost a lot of the crew to the MT Cabarets in the ath and the remaining chandler crew had a show to run at the time. The practicals are now built, and can remain in stock for a rainy day!