Gemma, Iain, Holly, Ayden & Ali

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Reflection October 08

We as a group found it hard to revisit this project. At the time we did not connect well to “A sense of belonging” and found ourselves wanting to twist it. It did not grab us, and in an attempt to be inspired, we went out into Glasgow to see what we could come across.

We chose to go along the lines of not belonging and focussed on different elements. Our installation / performance was commented on as lacking cohesion. I would agree with this however it was a conscious decision of the group. I think by the time we got to the last week we were just glad we had something to show.

It is perhaps a mark our how our group felt but I thought it was a shame that when it came to the end our group separated. It would have been nice to have gone for a drink to celebrate even if we weren’t that enthusiastic about what we had done. We had still achieved our goal of putting on a performance.

Reflecting on this was not easy as a group as I think none of us were that happy about revisiting it. With this in mind it perhaps shows how we struggled with this brief.


I am my grubby scenic clothes. I am the precious tea break. I am the crowded common room. I am that familiar academy smell. I am my broken locker. I am where the monkeys sleeps. I am the whirr of the paint frame. I am those friendly faces. I am the tpa notice board. I am my empty pidgeon hole. I am the pie from feelings class. I am the parties, the drunken memories and the hungover mornings. I am the teamwork we show. I am the pride we feel on opening night. I am part of the bigger picture. I am the nostalgic being that has found a sense of belonging, the moment we werent looking for it.