Hamlet x A Midsummer Night's Dream
Technical Stage
For Masking on this production we ended up using the chandlers masking tracks all the way around the venue, plus two dead hung two tabs joined of to SR to be used as an entrance and exit. We also had two dead hung 4x4's folded back to be 3x4's on the sides to mask off the doors, the join between the main black and two angled blacks were left open to be used as exits/entrences.
Main Set
The main set piece for this production comprised of 5 4x8 steel decks, 1 4x4 steel deck and a 4x4 trap door. The steel deck was all on 800 staff legs and was configured as seen below. The top of the steel deck was covered with painted stage floor 12x1200x2400 sheets and the front and SL/SR were also covered wit the same painted sheets being 12x800x1200mm.
For treads we used two 600 x 800 for the downstage set and then two 600 x 750 for the upstage ones.
Ground Plan