Built Resources

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RCS workshops have manufactured a lot over the years, and some of those things have been kept due to their usefulness. There are modular decking systems, braces, treads, revolves, flats and all manner of other goodies that can be used to make a production more sustainable or make bigger impact shows for much less money.

The resources mentioned below are held in two containers. One if on-site, just outside the workshop doors. The other is off-site and held at Gilmours yard in Kilsyth. Generally speaking the heavier items, such as the modular items of deck, large treads, and revolves are held in the off-site container, whilst the on-site container holds things likely to be used more readily, like flats and materials.

As well as the images and dimensions below, there are Vectorworks files available for most items. These are housed on the RCS Vectorworks Team, Teams page. If you require another CAD format, please get in touch with your PM, Steve MacLuskie or Malcolm Stephen, who will make one for you.

There are many other modular resources of Flats, Treads, Steel Deck and Truss that are not mentioned here but can be viewed by clicking their link, or under the Stage Equipment heading.

On-Site Container

Large Flats

Merrily Treads

Weird deck with 45 in it

Pass-through braces

Forestage Curve

Off-Site Container

Chess Deck

Chess Towers

Chess Treads

Socket Deck

Big Revolve

Small Revolve

Big Ring