Dick McWhittington

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Dick McWhittington
Director Alisdair Hawthorn
Written by Alan McHugh
Set Designer Robin Peoples
Lighting Designer Simon Hayes
Sound Designer Sean Quinn
Production Team
Stage Manager Kiri Newbery
Technical Stage Manager Ryan Greenfield
Chief Production Electrician Neil Smith
Venue New Athenaeum
Performance Dates 5th - 11th Dec 2015


Newsflash! Queen Rat and her rodent army are swarming all over Glasgow!

Dick McWhittington doesn’t know it yet, but his destiny is to save Glasgow and become Lord Provost. Unfortunately, he’s on his way to London to seek fame and fortune. So it’s up to Glasgow’s very own fairy godmother, Gallus Alice fae the Barras, to bring him back in time to save the Weegies.

Side by side with his very own ratcatcher – Kitty Cat – Dick will stand against Queen Rat for a final showdown in the desert kingdom of the great Sultan Vinegar.


Creative Team

Script Writer - Alan McHugh

Director - Alastair Hawthorn

Set & Costume Designer - Robin Peoples

Choreographer - Kerry McLellan

Musical Director - Marcus Adam

Lighting Designer - Simon Hayes

Sound Designer & Operator - Sean Quinn

Vocal Coach - Jean Sangster

Technical Team

Production Manager - Sandy McRobbie

Stage Manager - Kiri Newbery

Deputy Stage Manager - Riona Gilliland

Assistant Stage Managers - Benjamin Goodman, Rachel Wells

Technical Stage Manager - Ryan Greenfield

Deputy Technical Stage Managers - Stuart Leech (Head Flys)

Stage Crew -

Chief Production Electrician - Neil Smith

Deputy Production Electrician - Ross McCrone

Lighting Programmer and Operator - Stephen Cunningham

Lighting Crew - Gary Ashbridge, Barry Leech

Sound No 1 - Sean Quinn

Sound No 2 - Calum Paterson

Sound No 3 - Rebecca Bell

Stage Management

Technical Stage Management





The Neil Smith, Single Winch, Dual Lift Ladder Divert System™

Dick McWhittington as with most RCS Pantos had a large number of trucks which needed to enter the scene dock. As such we needed to automate two of the SL Ladder. However, there were only two points available due to the other two being used to fly performers. Single Point lift to a bridle was considered but raised concerns over the twisting of the ladder.

And so, from the depths of the fiery elven forges, there came:


The NSSWDLLDS came onto the stage at a time where hope was lost. Twirling ladders seemed inevitable, and all hope was lost. But 'lo, there cometh an answer.

By taking an automation line from the grid, and diverting it back up to a fixed point, the terror of the stage vanished and light shone upon the world once more. The devices of illumination ascended unto the heavens with the grace of a summer flower, with not even a hint of swing. Find below the aged scroll that the ancient heroes left for any future warrior who should desire to implement the NSSWDLLDS, and wield it's powers of ascension once more:
