The Witch of Edmonton

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The Witch of Edmonton
Performance Date 6th - 9th of March 2019
Venue Chandler
Course BA Production Technology and Management
Production Team
Production Manager Sam Ramsay
Technical Stage Manager Roy Fairhead
Technical Stage Management Advisor Daryl Campbell
Stage Manager Suzy Goldberg
Deputy Stage Manager Samantha Burt
Assistant Stage Manager Rhiannon Mitchell
Assistant Stage Manager Erin Johnstone
Lighting Designer Davey Cunningham
LX Programmer Nina Madriz
LX technician Ryan Worrell
Sound Designer Ruby Noble
Production Sound Engineer Nicholas Ruebenacker
Sound technician Lea Meloee


The Witch of Edmonton by Thomas Dekker, John Ford and William Rowley
Adapted and directed by Marc Silberschatz


On the shores of a new world, the settlement of Edmonton is founded. Outside the new-built walls is scarcity, disease and ontological ambiguity. Inside, an apparently harmonious community is beset with mendacity, fecklessness and unrestrained greed. Assailed with unrelenting pressure from within and without, a cast of characters including merchants, farmers, young lovers, a witch, a bigamist, a cross-dresser, a simpleton and a sexual predator try to get on with their lives in a place they can’t understand and can’t leave. Then the talking dog shows up...

Technical Stage Department

Stage Management



Sound Design