Captioning Screens

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Technical Details

Tron Captioning Screen



Number of Rigging Points- 4

Power- 1x 13a Plug to IEC

Control Connections- 2x 3pin XLR

Checklist when Installing

These are just a few things to consider when hanging a captioning screen, it may be the difference between hanging the captioning screen once rather than twice.

1) Can the operator view the screen from their control position. They need to be able to see that what is on the captioning screen is correct.

2) Ensure the screen does not get in the way of any lighting fixtures and does not affect the action on stage. Eg, focus of lights, objects being thrown in the air, too intruding.

3) Can most of the audience see the screen from their seats? It is best if the audience can choose where they want to sit and still be able to see the captioning instead of being directed or encourage to sit somewhere to see the screen.

4) Check to make sure the captioning works. PTM have access to the software used to operated the captioning screen and it is worth running this to check it can display text and scroll down.