Intake Presentation

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Revision as of 19:51, 4 March 2008 by Jmcgowan (talk | contribs)
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  • Outline student demographics, compared to national averages
    • Gender division
    • Pre Entry Level (i.e. School, FE)
  • Relevant internal and external policies
    • Academy QA Admissions Policy
    • The QAA CoP
  • Practice in other institutions??

RSAMD Policies in Practice

Have results from a staff questionnaire that asks:

  • Are you familiar with the RSAMD’s QA Admissions Policy?
  • The policy states that “All staff involved in the selection of students will be adequately prepared for that roll. This preparation will include equal opportunities training”. Have you received any such preparation or training?
  • The policy states that “The specific admissions process for each course will be subject to annual review by the appropriate School Committee and, if required, subsequent consideration and approval by the Academic Board”. Were you aware of or have you been involved in any annual reviews?

The QAA CoP precept 7 states: blah blah

The QAA CoP precept 8 states: Institutions should ensure that all those involved in recruitment and admissions are competent to undertake their roles and responsibilities.


  • Survey Feedback re: Pre-Application
  • Compare student experience and RSAMD provisions to QAA
    • Esp QAA Precept 2: Institutions should ensure that promotional materials are relevant, accurate at the time of publication, not misleading, accessible, and provide information that will enable applicants to make informed decisions about their options.
    • Website scores really badly in questionnaires, prospectus scores OK - why isn't prospectus blurb copied and pasted online?
  • Survey Feedback re: Application
    • This stage scores well in feedback & there isn't much about it in QAA


  • Student survey feedback
  • Academy Policy states: For the BA (Digital Film and Television) overseas applicants may, at the discretion of the Academy, be interviews via the internet
    • what the hell does that mean? and why only DFTV?

Post interview/Pre Starting Study

  • RSAMD Policy says:
    • The outcome of an application will be notified in writing to the applicant by Registry
  • Our survey says:
    • Letters, phone, told in person, sent an email