MACCT Shakespeares 2013 - Women Beware Women & All's Well That Ends Well
MACCT Shakespeare double bill. Performed in rep.
LX Overview
The Rig was comprised entirely of Generic Fixtures, all powered and controlled by the existing dimmer infrastructure in the RCS AGOS.
Control was provided in the form of a ETC Congo, running a single Que stack for both shows, one after the other.
Four onstage booms provided sidelight while specials were also placed around the set. Archway Back light was provided by 4 upright booms
behind the set. The original Plan had been to use a scaffold goalpost but this was rejected by production management.
LX Equipment
- STRAND Cantata Profile 11/26 - 6
- STRAND Cantata Profile 18/32 - 18
- STRAND Cantata Fresnel - 28
- SELECON Acclaim Fresnel - 16
- STRAND Coda Flood - 2
- PAR 64 (CP62) - 14
- PAR 16 - 8